
Bugout/Campout Weekend - ALUMNI ONLY

  • $ 1.00

We do this is for fun and fellowship. If you wanna bring your entire family then BRING THEM! It is COMPLETELY laid back. Come and just set-up camp and hang out. If you wanna shoot informally then bring some guns. We typically have guest speakers who share some knowledge. If YOU have knowledge to share email and tell him your ideas. 

Bring ALL the gear you wanna SELL or TRADE. 

We do this in the winter for a few reasons:

1. Tactical Response is least busy in Winter.

2. Yeager doesn't like mosquitoes or snakes in his tent.

3. This is a GREAT test of your Winter Survival gear with a safety back-up.

This will happen RAIN OR SHINE...I mean COME ON...It is BETTER TRAINING the worse the weather!


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