Active Shooter
We will train you to turn an Active Shooter into an INACTIVE SHOOTER!
The threat of a depressed student, disgruntled employee, or Islamic terrorist is REAL. This course teaches the police officer or armed citizen the tactics needed to end the violence quickly and efficiently. This course has a healthy dose of Force-on-Force training to intensify the lessons taught. Other related topics are covered as well.
In the past these have been our home grown psychopaths and sociopaths but there are other dangers. Many people have seen scenes from the "al-Qaeda Training Tapes" but the horrors of what they are planning on doing in America are far worse than the clips of the evening news. Whether you are a Law Enforcement Officer or a legally armed citizen you should be aware of the threat of foreign and domestic terrorist tactics. This two day course will teach you the methods for dealing with an Active Shooter quickly and efficiently. Make no mistake, this class is about hearing gunfire and running toward it and is not for everyone.
Here are four things you can do to ensure you have a great class:
- We respectfully request that students have read "The Principles of Personal Defense" by Jeff Cooper before attending class.
- For more information about our classes and to read hundreds of student reviews loaded with pictures and video clips join our web forum http://www.GetOffTheX.com
Class location: http://tacticalresponse.com/
blogs/library/18975331- Classes begin at 0800hrs at Tactical Response located at 116 Wood Ave Street Camden, TN 38320 (Phone:877-7LETHAL ). The Team Room is located at 151 McRae in Camden TN. Please email Info@TacticalResponse.com to CONFIRM your spot in the Team Room (No confirmation equals no bed).training-locations
BUYING MULTIPLE SPOTS IN THE CLASS - If you're buying a spot in the class for more than one person please email Info@TacticalResponse.com or call 877-7LETHAL with the names of all students attending.
Tactical Response does not allow the recording of any video or audio during classes (YouTube Content Creators may with permission).
*You will only receive a certificate of successful completion by participating 100% in class. Being late, leaving early voluntary refusal to complete drills and other issues involving closed mindedness will result in your not receiving a certificate for this course. A modified certificate will be mailed at a later date at your request.
Equipment List:
- One (1) open mind<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Bring a lunch both days
- Cover all exposed skin. Protect your hands, neck and nuts. DO NOT WEAR EXTRA LAYERS OR BODY ARMOR. It is SUPPOSED to hurt. Pain is a very good teacher. If you don't want to learn this is not the class for you. Groin Protection<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Strongside belt holster for Glock 17 (loaners available)<-- Click here for NSR link
- Sturdy Belt<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Magazine pouch for Glock 9mm (loaners available) <-- Click here for NSR link
- Clothing to cover ALL skin and hands<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Paintball Mask (we have loaners)<-- Click here for Amazon link
You can find our refund policy here