The Way of the Rifle
Tactical Response does not allow the recording of any video or audio during classes (YouTube Content Creators may with permission).
The Way of the Rifle
We had been asked for a rifle class that covered “everything” and this is NOT it! But it is indeed the most complete rifle class that you can take! It mixes our world famous Fighting Rifle, Advanced Fighting Rifle, Intermediate Distance Fighting Rifle along with our low light training to form a class in which has no equal!
It covers trajectory, battle sight zero, gear set-up, sling configurations, transitions to pistol, use of cover and concealment, practical ready and firing positions, close, medium-range and long distance snap shooting, weapons handling, urban applications, team drills, firing while moving, multiple targets, teamwork, shooting in awkward and tense situations, close proximity tactics, medical aide under fire, and shooting your rifle at extended distances.
This class is great for nearly any magazine fed rifle or subgun and any traditional military style rifle. We will show you how to run your MP5, AR, AK, RPK, FAL, M1A, G3, VZ-58 or whatever weapon you have! If you are a cheapskate you can bring your PCC or .22 but they are not RIFLES.
AR-15 shooters take note: We do not recommend steel cased ammo for our classes. Please check our FAQ for more information.
Here are four things you can do to ensure you have a great class:
- Watch these free videos. This will make your experience MUCH better and will answer many questions.
Class location:
blogs/library/18975331- Classes begin at 0800hrs at Tactical Response located at 116 Wood Ave Street Camden, TN 38320 (Phone:877-7LETHAL). The Team Room is located at 151 McRae in Camden TN. Please email to CONFIRM your spot in the Team Room (No confirmation equals no bed).training-locations
LOANER GUNS AND AMMO - We ask that only new brass cased factory loaded ammo be used in our loaners guns...or your own guns for training. No matter if it is a bolt gun (match grade only), semi-automatic pistol or even our shotguns we have found that brass cased ammo makes all firearm types run more smoothly than steel or aluminum. We understand that with the AK-47 it was designed for steel so that is OK. We also realize that brass cased ammo typically costs 10-15% more than steel but you have already invested so much in your training why would you want less than the best ammo so you can get the absolute MOST from your investment? If you choose to use steel anyway please do not complain to us that our guns won't work...they work just fine with brass. You are REQUIRED to clean and lubricate your loaner gun after each day of training and before you return it.
BUYING MULTIPLE SPOTS IN THE CLASS - If you're buying a spot in the class for more than one person please email or call 877-7LETHAL with the names of all students attending.
*You will only receive a certificate of successful completion by participating 100% in class. Being late, leaving early voluntary refusal to complete drills and other issues involving closed mindedness will result in your not receiving a certificate for this course. A modified certificate will be mailed at a later date at your request.
DID YOU KNOW? We have a Lay-A-Way option for training HERE!
Equipment List:
- ONE (1) OPEN MIND<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Bring a lunch to the range both days
- Roll of Masking Tape <-- Click here for Amazon link
- 3500 rounds rifle ammunition <-- Link to AmmoSupplyWarehouse (Tell them Tactical Response sent you!)
- A magazine fed rifle (semi or full) that has been zeroed (Pistol caliber carbines are ok)
- 500 rounds pistol ammo <-- Link to AmmoSupplyWarehouse (Tell them Tactical Response sent you!)
- Fighting Pistol
- Tactical sling (required)<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Weapon cleaning and lubrication equipment to include a rod to knock out stuck cases<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Strongside belt holster<-- Click here for NSR link
- Full wrap eye protection<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Ear Protection (muffs recommended)<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Sturdy gun belt (designed to carry a gun)<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Minimum of 3 pistol and 5 rifle mags
- Magazine pouches for pistol and rifle (pockets are fine for rifle mags)<-- Click here for NSR link
- Raingear (We shoot rain or shine)<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Hat and sunblock<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Knee pads (optional)<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Elbow pads (optional)<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Drinking water (Camelback Strongly Recommended)<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Bug Spray<-- Click here for Amazon link
- Pen and paper<--Click here for Amazon link
5 Days $1,500.