
Fighting Revolver

  • $ 325.00

Tactical Response does not allow the recording of any video or audio during classes (YouTube Content Creators may with permission).

Fighting Pistol is a Pre-Requisite

 Fighting Revolver is about the defensive use of a handgun against 2 or 4 legged predators. If you carry a service sized or larger handgun for the street or the great outdoors, this is the class for you.

 The class is geared toward full sized Fighting Revolvers. Our definition of a Fighting Revolver is a "Duty Size" gun with a 3"-6" barrel, 6 or more round capacity, a full grip, chambered in a minimum of .357 magnum (45acp), capable of Double Action firing with a swing out cylinder capable of being used with a speedloader or Moon Clip.

 (That means that "snubbies" or "cowboy" style single actions are ill suited for this course. Can you bring it? Absolutely but the snubby would be more at home in our "Back-Up Gun" course.)

 If your gun says ".38 special or .357" bring .357 or if it says ".44 special or .44 Magnum" bring the magnums...and so on and so forth. 

  Topics of this 8-hour class include the role and attributes of the revolver, anatomical stopping power, movement and communication. Live fire drills include both one and two-handed shooting, shooting on the move, use of cover and concealment, loading and reloading, shooting from both "eye level" as well as "retention" techniques, at a variety of ranges from a variety of body positions. 

Fighting Revolver Intro: Classes begin at 0800hrs at Tactical Response located at 116 Wood Ave Street Camden, TN 38320 (Phone:877-7LETHAL ). The Team Room is located at 151 McRae in Camden TN. Please email to CONFIRM your spot in the Team Room (No confirmation equals no bed).

Intro Video:

Equipment List:

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