Louis Caras
MEET LOUIS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Dvi3srbioE
Louis Caras is a Yankee. Even though he grew up in the greater New York area we still kinda like him. Working on commercial fishing boats he realized after many close calls, including cutting a finger off and taking a "swim" in frigid waters, that self rescue was the only real option if something went wrong. It was this realization and desire to be able to handle his own emergencies that led him to Tactical Response. His personal journey also includes a dash of "Strong people are harder to kill" philosophy. Vigorous cardio and strength routines have added to his "being ready for the fight".
As an Ivy League graduate, his “always a student” attitude and experience teaching in other industries help him deliver personalized instruction and create a connection with his students. Over the past 5 years, Louis has trained extensively in the areas of Mindset, Tactics, Skill, and Gear; seeking out and gaining knowledge from top instructors in these fields.
His training in these areas includes:
-All Tactical Response Courses
-Hundreds of hours of direct mentorship from James Yeager
-Urban Rifle 3, with Clint Smith (Thunder Ranch)
-Greenline Tactical (Don Edwards) Nightfighter
-Greenline Tactical (Don Edwards) Red Dot Pistol
-Greenline Tactical (Don Edwards) DMR
-John Farnam, DTI - Defensive Pistol
- Modern Samurai Project - Red Dot Pistol
-Other instructors worked with in less formal instruction include: Ken Hackathorn, Super Dave Harrington, Craig Douglas, Sunny Puzikas and Steve Fisher